Thats the "TRUTH"
and hopefully jeffacake can show the JW from the bible as "the truth will set him free"
Iam out of here, its time for home sweet home.
today was probably about our seventh meeting.
he never got a quarter way through his agenda because of my questions & digressions.
i kept an open mind on doctrines.
Thats the "TRUTH"
and hopefully jeffacake can show the JW from the bible as "the truth will set him free"
Iam out of here, its time for home sweet home.
today was probably about our seventh meeting.
he never got a quarter way through his agenda because of my questions & digressions.
i kept an open mind on doctrines.
I am sure he must be a really nice guy, I mean it. Prehaps it it a good thing to take it easy with him because then at least you might be able to create doubt in his mind about certain things, dont think so, but might.
By df I meant disfellowshiped. Funny thing is though I have been out of the org. for 8 years, it feels just like yesterday as whole family are still in except Loubelle and only being DF for looking at the Bible without publications, not getting DF for doing worldly things which happens. Very very strange.
I cannot go back, feel nothing.
The JW say that is one of the signs God is blessing them as they have grown in numbers, a great growd, but remember the road is narrow, dont ask me how all will fit.
Continue to study WITH HIM.
today was probably about our seventh meeting.
he never got a quarter way through his agenda because of my questions & digressions.
i kept an open mind on doctrines.
well i am going to be DF on Sun, because i told the elder that the faithful slave was teaching the incorrect things, asked why this and why that. Elder said it was all in the past.
At least jeffacake you can ask questions, but that will only last for a while, because if you have not finished studying your book in 3 months or maybe 6 months at the least then you will not be called on again.
Ask and ask and ask.
at least you will not be surprised at the answers you receive back, because you in the know.
So continue studing with him.
(i made a thread like this but it seemed to have gotten lost).
i got in some heated discussions years ago over what i would and would not tolerate from people with regard to abuse on a personal level.
we were always fed the line that we should forgive our brother, etc.
Its just hit me, I am still today always saying "I am sorry"
Most of the time when i speak to my clients, i say " I am sorry to call you, or I am sorry, but i need your copy or whatever relates to my work"
I remember when I told an elder about this, he said this shows that I am humble, and I felt quite good about that, then. The light has gone on today, thanks. I can also now have a smile on my face, which I have.
with 2014 only 9 years a could it be one genaration to the great i off on this or does it seem the dubs have missed this one too...what is there explation???
Thanks so much MidwichCuckoo for pasting that article for me.
What the WTBTS is puting into the minds now of JW is that Noah received the warning 120 years before the flood came. What the CoC was saying was something like ::::
the year 1914 was when Jah (the JW say) announced that this generation will by no means pass away , now it's been 90 years since 1914 and if Noah preached for 120 years then it should be about another 30 years to go before the end.
So this is what is slowly been put into their minds. Now if the year 2034 is creeping up and nothing seems to be moving in that so called prophecy, then they can always say "well Noah then had to enter the ark for 40 days" And not the WBTS says a day for a year, that another 40 years they must wait for the end, the year 2074 and if that does not work then .....
and if that does not work... can go on and on and.......
lately i have been pondering my lack of a belief system.
i think that being a jw really turned me off to believing in anything since it was all crammed down my throat.. i have been feeling a need to believe in something.
i think i believe that something created us but not sure if it was one god or many.
like jeffacake my light, IN, me has somehow being turned on, dont ask me how it just happened. And everyobodys know when the light is On it is ON, it does not get brighter and brighter. The only things that grows is the light In you. Thats my nutshell which has been broken wide open. To me GOD cannot be contained in a box or a nutshell, He can do ANYTHING.
i used to love hearing this song at the conventions, everyone singing..
but dammit, now it's in my head, and i just realized that it sounds kinda like the imperial march from star wars.
and it sounds great when you hum it and desk-drum a beat to it..
Yes to God not the org.
fmz in S.A the brothers could hardly open their mouths to sing, so the singing this side of the world was very lacking.
Now when I play MY gospal songs I sing and sing and sing. Yes it feeds my emotions and my spirit, something that was very, veeeeeeeeeeeey lacking in the KH.
is this the place?
sorry for my english, i ll try my best.. i m new and hope to read some interesting arcticles here.. you can all read about me in my biography.. .
hi Petruska
Good to have you, dont worry I am still very new to, but so far its being great, only problem is that I want to take this computer home with me. Oh well saving up.
Chat to u later
whenever elders hear the complaint from someone that "they never get shepherded or visited by the brothers" do you know what they do when you walk away?.
they look at each other and roll their eyes.
they make comments along the lines of "great.
can you believe it evilforce,
after 8 years not going to the meetings. Reason is in Jan 05 my daughter Loubelle went back to a coulple of JW meetings, after about 2 years, but in that time she did attend the convenstions and memorial's - then Loubelle checked out what the JW past regarding everything - and then me as well - especially re Spirit in one - My Mom and big sister (her husband elder) are very very much a JW, found out that we once attended "Babalyon's place of worship" and that was that.
Now after 8 years they asking if I have any problems, not because they found out about the worldly stuff, because THEY DID KNOW that I was FULLY into the WORLD for these last 8 years and no one called and asked then if i had any problems. Strange don't you think?
often, i hear people say that there is no love in the jw org.
can you give personal examples of this?.
ok, this is your chance to say what "love" you expected from the org.
shame they say they have love, what a lie.
Love is to me when you fellowship with people and you love them hug them, laugh with them, sing LOUDLY with them.
in the cong. you hug but they hardly can hug back, well i cant remember really laughing at the meeting and singing oh my!!! the absolute worst, those songs just killed me.
No, no love. They cannot because they do not know how, they taught it but it just has not reached dowwwwwwwwwwwwwwn into their heart.